Published by
Landguth Heimtiernahrung GmbH
Benzstr. 1
26632 Ihlow OT Riepe
Phone: +49 (0)4928 91519-0
Fax: +49 (0)4928 91519-19
E-Mail: info(at)landguth(dot)de
Registered office of the company: Haren (Ems)
Registered at local court Osnabrück: HRB 20226
Turnover tax ID No.: DE261294953
Managing Director: Alfred Saathoff
All texts, images and other data/information are, where no other copyrights are noted, subject to the copyright of Landguth Heimtiernahrung GmbH. No reproduction or publication, either in whole or in part, is permitted without the written approval of Landguth Heimtiernahrung GmbH.
© 2005 – 2019 Landguth Heimtiernahrung GmbH